Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mama, It IS Obama!

Well, well Well!
Finally history has been made in the US of A & Martin Luther King may finally have released a sigh of relief, in his peacful grave.
This is indeed a wonderful time, to change, to throw out all that we knew & believed in as "dependable" & embrace the completely new. The new may be a bit unknown, as Obama is. But this is also the right moment to shun the "known-devils". Why the hell did we stick to those evil ones for so bloody long? Just because they were "known" to us? Amazing.
Let's not forget that Obama's not only coloured, but has distinct Islamic pedigree. IF inspite of all such "traditional" misgivings, the red-necked, blue-veined, McD loving Americans have accepted him as their leader, it's no mean feat by any standard!
Yes, the most popular political jargon (in India), Anti-Incumbency is what the GOP will keep harping about for a while, before the seriousness of this outcome sinks in. But then, it's not until 2012 that they'd be able to do much about it.
On top of it, if BO practices at least half of what he's been preaching on his campaign trail, the Reps may well look for other professions. It may be a good idea for them, to seek plum positions with their banker-friends. After all, they did manage to save quite a few, even during their dying hours!
Another interesting outcome could be Obama vs Osama! Bush was definitely big on blood & gore (Al Gore notwithstanding), but his treatment of Saddam or other "terrorists" seem to have gone much in vain! His bullishness was apparently misguided & interpreted as Bully-ish-ness by his patriotic fellow American.
That's sad.
I guess the media will miss him & his actions a helluva lot.
From what we have seen, of Obama, he's unlikely to provide TRP enhancing & entertaining "fodder" the way Bush did. Neither should we expect financial crashes or 9/11 like stop-print issues to happen with regularity.
What a pity!
Mama O Mama, what is this Obama?

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