Thursday, October 30, 2008

There is a nice, big quarter-page colour ad on today’s newspapers.
Right hand page, bottom corner – that means expensive too.
The DDA (Delhi Development Authority) is looking for parties who will build an “International competition level Golf Course to be built as per standards of USGA”.
170+ acres of land has been allocated at Dwarka for the purpose.

The space looks cramped compared to the Boulder Hills Golf resort completed a few years back in Hyderabad. That’s spread across a mind-blowing 531 acres!

It took all of two years to build & utilized an average of 200 labourers / gardeners.

That squarely means just a fraction of the many suicidal farmers of AP “could” have been accommodated while spending a few hundred crores on a gam played roughly by another few hundred in India!

I am not sure how many hands this DDA project will require, but my gut-feel tells me that the number cannot be significantly higher.

On 27th October’s Times City column, Mr. Santosh Desai (City City Bang Bang – read at, has turned candid, finally!

His columns are among the very few I always read, in “print”.
Having admitted that, I must also mention that in many a case I have found him towing a very pro-business line. If you have read my earlier posts, you’d know how & why I beg to differ.

Still, this specific article has managed to wipe away all my misgivings about Mr. Desai’s POV!

Bravo, Sir.
It’s good to find the “truth & nothing but the truth” flowing out of mighty pens like your’s.

If there’s a Vox Pop for India, I hope it will shout, in tune of Mr. Desai’s observation, saying “please give us the future, we have had enough of your past”!
Till I hear that voice over the din of money-machines, I will keep sending my messages in this small bottle……
After all Peter Pan said “Everything is possible, IF YOU WISH HARD ENOUGH”.
Show us “your” magic, India.

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