Monday, October 27, 2008

Wind beneath my wings....

Inspite of all the gloom & slumps, I am feeling good, after a long time!
No, I am not a bear-market guy, neither do I intend to stock up on "normally" unaffordable shares. As a matter of fact I do not have a single paise invested in any scrip.
So, why am I happy? Am I approaching senility at the young age of forty? Not really!
Let's look at the positive side of what has happened: One, hundreds of "myths" have been broken, which is always a good thing.
Thanks to the very well concerted joint efforts of skilfull industry leaders, opportunistic administrators & of course the ever-willing media, we "almost" started believing that the world has become a fantastic place to live in. We saw the picture-perfect homes & moved in, we adored the sophisticated corporate traveller getting pampered by beautiful hostesses in business-class & started flying, we were impressed by the hourglass physiques of impossibly perfect models & signed up for the gym or weight loss programmes.
We bought cutting-edge sedans with ABS & EBD to drive on the "Batter-ed roads of Gurgaon" where attainable top-speeds will never require such fancy control-gear.
We have hung mammoth flat-screens on our very public drawing rooms. These boast of Full HD capability etc., while we do not have any idea about how to stream HD content to these sticker-toting marvels!
We have also moved up to "branded" items as they "guarantee" values. Gurantee? Values?

So, it's a good thing to find the shabbily dressed vegetable-vendor looking happy, after a long time. Yes, the spanky climate-controlled retailer round the corner had to drop it's rolling shutters! Guess they were not making enough money!
It's also nice to find many governments going hammer & tongs at senior-management compensations. No, it's not because I will feel "less" privileged!
I am happy, as we have finally managed to take off the rose-tinted branded glasses & look at the world "the way it is". Nature had perfect plans for us, just like they do for other flora & fauna. Our insatiable desires & demands screwed them up...big time!
Today we are on our way back, to nature, driven back by the same greed & lust that took us away.
Smile, the world may finally become a wonderful place to live in, again!

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