Monday, December 1, 2008

50%+49% OFF..........

Things are going very cheap lately!
Very cheap indeed.
There's almost 75% (work out the title carefully) off on garments, up-to 50% off on fashion accessories, between 10% and 25% on eat-outs, about 10% on shoes (that's surprising though!) and so on so forth.
Many "are" actually buying too, to make the most of this great Cheapportunity.

Surprisingly, morality & conscience are being distributed absolutely free of cost, with a BOGO thrown in for good measure.

Still, not a single soul is even approaching the outlets.....

That can be because of two reasons: One, we already have enough of them, which seems a "bit" unlikely or Two, we consider them absolutely worthless to possess.

The second feeling is quite easily decipherable actually.
Classic "consumer behaviour", the suffixed, certified managers will tell you. There's hardly any "need" you see!
True, very true indeed!

Why should we ever need such worthless traits? Is it bankable or as the suits would have put it, "monetizable", with a Z? Of course not!
Do any of them make us look better? Oops, no again!
What about their "flaunt" or "snob value"? Fails miserably.
Having these might actually make you look like that bloody poor maid-servant whose family lives on our excesses.....
May I trade-in my conscience / morality to get something new in exchange, you know, like we do with our wives or husbands nowadays? No?
Come on...what the hell are you trying to sell buddy?

My F'cinsey friend gave me a better idea, to hand over this poor-performing "commodities" to an expert like F'kcenture....but that would require "substantial" investments on building "salience" around the offers he wisely admits. I remained poignantly silent.....

Why don't we all go and press the shoe-sellers for higher discounts?
Seems like we will soon require some thousands of pairs, to beat millions up, forcing them to walk into the "get-conscience-free" malls!
Frankly, I wouldn't mind a BOGO, to stock up on such foot-wear......even for future use

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